May 29, 2009

Financial Checkup Friday

Posting this so that you guys can hold me accountable. Financial notes this week:

*Made an extra payment on our 5.55 acres of land. The payment reduced the loan amount by 1/3!!

*Called to get a life insurance quote from the company who I have car insurance with. No huge surprise, the company Dave Ramsey recommends is cheaper for the exact same product.

*Went birthday shopping for my nephew and we over budget - the dino pjs were calling my name!!

*Jay volunteered to drive the trusty toyota two days this week - he knew he'd be driving a lot and wanted to save on gas.

*We decided to wait a month or two on opening the Roth Iras. Jay's pretty good about watching the stock market and said that this month it had its yearly high this month. Rather than a sign of market recover, he thinks it'll go back down and we'll buy then.

*I was doing really well on my "no household shopping" week until I took a 2nd look at the Kroger paper last night, so I'm grocery shopping on a Friday. I hope they aren't out of everything.

May 28, 2009

Makes My Heart Smile

RR Mama was given a "Makes My Heart Smile" award and was kind enough to pass it on to me!

Since my biological clock hasn't started ticking yet, the stories of the fun she has with her kids typically remind my of my childhood instead of making me long for children of my own to play with...hopefully that doesn't get me into trouble!

I'm suppose to pass this along to bloggers who make my heart smile.

Tammi - Becoming a Woman of Moderation
One of my Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans friends who helps me keep my weight loss journey in the perspective of how it positively benefits my Christian walk.

Lois Lane - Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
You know that friend who's a lot of fun, but also has her serious and deep moments? Yeah that's Lois.

Hellolost & Saz - Geocashing Adventure
I know both of these ladies beyond the bloggy world. These ladies need a reality sitcom.

April - My Life at Thirty
She's a shrinking jeans guru, who makes my heart smile because she believes in me! And is more than willing to help me tweak my game plan if its not working - quitting isn't an option.

Mari - My Little Corner of the World
Today's her bloggiversary! Head over and congratulate her if you get a chance. She's the sweet, carrying, thoughtful lady that you want to be, if only you were sweet enough to care...

Kim - Nothing but Chatter
Another of my Shrinking Jeans Sisters, who keeps it real and is always there with an encouraging comment.

Jen - Our Daily Big Top
We've got to see her gorgeous smile through her weekly participation in a "Where's Mom" carnival that encourage mothers to get in the shot for a change. You want to be represented in your daughter's wedding slide show don't you???

Laureen - Selectively Frugal
Laureen and I actually know each other beyond the bloggy world. She is a super cool lady and I'm lucky to call her a friend.

Lora - Take Me the Way I Am
She has a good variety on her blog: tempting recipes, adventures, and spiritual thoughts.

Amy - A to Z Twins
Mystery spice chef and mom extraordinaire. Her twins are gorgeous and their pictures are guaranteed to bring a smile to your face.

May 27, 2009

Weigh in Wednesday

I didn't realize that even though we were in between challenges we were still weighing in over at the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans! Thankfully I got on the scales this morning any way.

End of challenge weight: 132.0
This week: 130.8*

*Okay if I'm honest I don't remember if it was 0.8 or 0.6, but I'll go with the higher number to be on the save side. I was just so excited to be so close to the 120s!!

I started level 2 of the shred yesterday and it was much harder than level 1. Maybe because I took two days off after my big hike. Maybe because it was 82 degrees in my house**. Or maybe its just harder (duh - I did go up a level after all). Although I wasn't sore again today, I did have problems with some of the moves.

**Jay & I are the cheapest people on the planet. We're pushing ourselves as far as we can go before turning on the a/c. Our electric bill has thanked us - last month was only $28 and this month was $37.

I don't think I'm doing that plank/ab move right though, because it felt easy peasy. I'm not vain enough to think that it was easy because I'm that good, so I must be off on form or something.

Just a weird self perception thing: as I was doing the plank moves, I got so disgusted with my body. I hated looking down at my fat, orange peel legs. HOWEVER after the workout was over, I took off my t-shirt because it was drenched in sweat and caught a glimpse of myself in just my sports bra and shorts. I thought I was pretty hot! :) Hot enough that I walked around that way till Jay got home.

How crazy is it that I went from one extreme to another in less than 30 minutes?

May 26, 2009

Gregory's Bald

On Saturday, Jay and I (he thinks its silly that I call him Mr. Right, oh well) went on our first hike as a married couple. He had to meet clients earlier in the day, so we got a late start.

As previously established, even though he never works out (and I do all the time) Jay is in better shape than I am. For most of the hike up, my pace wasn't fast enough to suit him, so he ran off and left me. I threatened to bring my MP3 player on the next hike which made him slow down for a little bit then he was right back like Speedy Gonzales.

The hike up was pretty boring. Except for a few flowers near the beginning of the trail, the scenery was pretty bland. We could hear a creek, but couldn't see it. Closer to the top we heard a rustling sound, and Jay swore he saw a bear running away. I didn't catch a glimpse, but I wasn't sticking around to find out either!

About 0.5 miles from the top, we came across our first trail marker letting us know how far to the top. It was also a camp site and Jay asked if I would be willing to go camping there with him. I said only for his birthday, and thankfully October is too cold for camping!

I'd never been to a bald before. Jay had read in his trail research that before the park took over the land, settlers would drive their cattle up to the top of the bald to graze on the grass. Since grass doesn't typically grow on the tops of mountains around here I was amazed at the view.

When we got to the top, we saw the elevation marker. According to Jay, it was a 3,000 foot elevation change from the trail head to the top. No wonder I was struggling on the way up!

He stacked up our backpacks and set the timer on his camera (and the camera on the backpacks) to get these shots.

I respect the art of photography and what he was going for in this one. That's the only reason I'm posting it. Please ignore my large behind. Thanks in advance.

The hike down was easy breezy so Jay didn't run off and leave me...too much.

By the time we got back to the trail head I was exhausted, but had the energy for one final picture.

On the drive out, there were 20-30 places that the creek crossed the road and several gorgeous waterfalls. I think Jay had found his new favorite place to go out riding in his Jeep.

May 25, 2009

True Confessions Monday

Just a quick check in because I forgot to set something up. Like any good government employee, I'm sleeping in today. The shrinking jeans gals do true confessions Mondays, so I thought that'd be something fun to do.

*Hiked 9 miles on Saturday - hard work but definitely worth it.
*I didn't count calories while on the hike. surely the peanut butter crackers, apple, and pretzels were all burned off right?
*I confess I left the chimichangas I had for dinner off that list on purpose.
*I didn't shred yesterday - seriously people 9 miles of hiking and a 3K foot elevation change is hard work!
*Took my dad out for his birthday to O'Charley's Sunday.
*Had 3 rolls, potato soup, and buffalo tenders.
*Then I went to the mall and bought a pair of new pants - Gap size 6 thank you!
*Since I had leftovers that were my dinner, I still came in just a hair over for calories for the day.
*I had a moment Sunday where I wanted to just give up and eat everything in the house and never exercise again.
*I wonder if I'll ever look good enough.
*I confess that right now its Sunday night and I'm still feeling that way.
*Crying like a big, fat baby. With an emphasis on fat.
*I also confess that every time I have a breakdown like this I feel guilty, because their are people in this world hurting with real problems.

Sorry guys to end on a bad note. Guess that's what I get for trying to multitask...

May 22, 2009


When we first arrived and got suited up in our harness, I was just a tiny bit nervous. I wondered if the harness was snug enough. Actually that’s not true, I was convinced that the guy didn’t know how to do his job and didn’t have me in the harness tightly enough. I noticed that the other group members were strapped in just as loosely, so the plan was to let them go first. If they slipped out and fell to their deaths, I’d turn around and go home.

Our group consisted of 8 people plus our guides. California Barbie and her boyfriend were here visiting her brother and his fiancé, Tennessee Barbie. As the guide instructed us on proper form and technique, I tried to ease my fears by being the obnoxious person in the group that can’t quit cracking jokes.

The guide told us that we would you use very little, if any, strength stopping ourselves – that was the job of the guide at the other end. “So its okay that I exhausted my muscles lifting at lunch today?” “Let’s see the guns.” Then he pretended to be impressed when I showed him. The Barbie group stepped up to go first. When it was California Barbie’s turn, I turned to Tennessee Barbie “She’s lifted a weight or two in her day.” Finally, Mr. Right and I were the only two left. I told him that he would need to go last or else I might just get back in the van and wait in the car for him. I stepped up to the platform and got hooked in.

Then I started to get really nervous. I knew the longer I stood there the more likely I was to talk myself out of it. Finally, I decided to just pretend to be as strong as you guys think that I am. I want to be a strong woman. I am a strong woman. So then I was off.

For the next line, they gave me a quicker carrier. I suppose its something they do for the women in the group, since we don’t have as much body weight as the men to carry us across. After the first line, I was in it for the long haul. It was too fun to turn back, so I let Mr. Right go first.

For this one, we didn’t have to worry about holding on to the line to slow us down. We were free.

By the third line, we were old pros. They decided to mix it up a little. The line isn’t as tight, so the guides shake it a bit to make you bounce.

The second to last line they offered to let us go tandem. Being the sappy sweet couple that we are, of course we jumped at the chance. The way we were hooked in (our feet facing opposite directions), we couldn’t get the signature arms-length photo. He did however, get a close up of my gloves.

And the scenery when we landed.

The final line is a duel line race to the finish. I won, of course. As usual when I beat him, Mr. Right said “Did you like how I slowed myself down at the end to let you win?” Ha! I swear, the man doesn’t know how to lose graciously.

May 21, 2009

The Right Family's big adventure

I'm sure I've mentioned before that Mr. Right is in the real estate business. He deals mostly with clients looking for vacation homes or rental properties. On several occasions his clients have been so impressed with his work that they want to give him an extra "thank you."

He and I have received gift cards to several different restaurants around town, as well as being taken out to dinner by clients. I especially enjoy this because I get to meet the person behind the last name. Over the course of the cabin search I hear the name several times: from the initial contact, to the property showing, to making an offer, and the moment we all enjoy - the closing.

One of his closings this month was for a client he'd been working with awhile. Before I met either of them, the wife called Mr. Right's cell phone and asked to speak with me. Apparently she'd noticed him squinting and I was instructed to work glasses into our budget. Later I got to meet this couple and they were just as nice as he had portrayed them.

This week, Mr. Right was contacted by them with a very unique "thank you" offer. The resort they purchased a cabin in has a zip line attraction, and they wanted to know if we would like to try it out. My daredevil husband (who's been sky diving multiple times) immediately said yes.

If you get a chance go here and check out what I'll be doing this afternoon. Then at about 5 o'clock, say a prayer for me. I like living and I don't want to stop any time soon. I also enjoy clean underpants.

I'll bring back a full report tomorrow. And sometime I need to tell yall about the Dino-epiphany I had last night. One of the first things I want to ask Jesus in heaven is how did the dinosaurs live and die out before man...

Also head over to the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans and check out April's "I am hot..." post. Even if you're not in the sisterhood, I'd encourage you to finish that sentence for yourselves.

May 20, 2009

Did you shrink?

Today is the last day of the "Shrinking into Summer" challenge over at the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans. For those of you that aren't in the sisterhood, go over and check it out any way - I did a guest post there today about my Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred experience!

Okay now for the weigh in

Challenge start: 134
Challenge goal: 129
Last week: 131.8
This week: 132.0
Percentage lost: 1.49% (I think...I suck at math - I welcome any help on this!)

So I didn't make my goal, but to be honest I never thought that I would. I haven't been in the 120s in about 5 years. I'm thrilled with the results of this challenge!

I can see (and feel) my body changing. My arms are the first place I noticed a change - Michelle Obama isn't the only one with a right to bare arms!

I'm wearing a dress today. Before when I wore dressed, I'd put a slip under it. Not because I was afraid of what would show through, but because I found a slip that was shorts instead of a skirt. So when I wore it, my leg fat didn't rub together.

I've still got some leg fat to lose, but I already look better than I did. Also, on my way into work, I noticed a line down my calves!

How'd you do this week? What ever the scales say, I hope you aren't getting discouraged. Discouragement has stopped me for years. You are a beautiful woman (unless you are a guy, but I don't think guys visit my blogs) don't let anyone tell you differently!!

May 19, 2009

Unsolicited Commentary

I received three comments yesterday that stuck out in my head. One I think was a compliment, one I'm not sure about, and the last was definitely an insult.

I was wearing a red headband, a red flower pin (my great-grandmother's - all my pretty jewelry once belonged to her), and red bracelets. One of the guys at work asked if I was also wearing red shoes.

"No, I have a pair, but its not a high heel." He then asked why it needed to be. "Because I'm so skinny, my pants are drooping and I need the heel to keep them from dragging the ground."

I can say this to him, because he knows first hand how insecure I really am. One day after work, his comments caused me to cry and go all evening without dinner. He knows when I say I'm skinny I really don't believe it.

Another one of the guy at work told me yesterday that I was looking "Betty Boopish". Its gotta be better than the Minnie Mouse comments I got when I wore that red and black polka dotted shirt. Still, is being compared to a cartoon character with an annoyingly high voice a good thing?

Then finally my insult of the day - at lunch I ran 4.2 miles in 45:30. I was incredibly proud of myself, that's maintaining my average speed but increasing my distance. My new MP3 player helped - the music kept me from getting too sluggish towards the end of the run.

When I got back into work however, I was told that I "run like a grannie".

But ya know, even that wasn't enough to kill the running buzz I had. I think I'm officially addicted to running. On tap for tomorrow, interval training.

Also, I'm very proud of myself for not letting her comments affect me more than they did. There was a time in my life a comment like that would have made me give up completely.

As for my outfit today, I'm dressed head to ankle in cotton candy pink (sorry, I had to go with black shoes). Wonder what character I'll be compared to today?

May 18, 2009

Sure is Monday

Okay so far the only thing I've got working for me today is another pair of baggy pants, although my hubs would probably rather me gain the weight than have to buy a new waist down wardrobe.

Last night I had some horrible dreams. In one I was hypnotized and forced to join a human circus. The other was AWFUL - like scary movie bad.

I thought I would wear a cute white blouse of mine with my (now baggy) favorite black slacks and just accent it with red accessories. Its the first time I've worn the top and I just noticed this morning its got darting for a woman with a more ample bosom.

Then I noticed the heater was running. Apparently when the power was off last time, it reset itself to kick on at 68 (we keep it around 60) and last night it got cool enough to kick on. So much for our $30 electric bill again this month.

*Note to self, when May arrives turn the heat to "off" rather than just turning the temperature down.*

Okay happy thoughts.



*Free Redbox tonight
*AI Finale tomorrow night
*Oooh, got a filet for dinner Friday night - it was worth every calorie
*Finished another book this weekend
*Started Mere Christianity by CS Lewis
*Toasted ham and cheese sandwiches for dinner tonight. Mr. Right loves them and you can't get much easier than that!

Hope everyone had a great weekend and have some happy thoughts to add!

May 15, 2009

Happy Friday!

I have to say for someone who woke up at 3:45 and didn't fall back asleep till 5:15 I'm in a remarkably good mood.

Yep, the lack of sleep was due another round of talk radio. This time, it was an interview with Larry Something-or-other who claims to have done cocain and um...pleased the president while the president was a state senator.

My mood probably has everything to do with the pants I selected to wear this morning. Today I'm working on a project, so I'll be on my feet more than normal. I wanted something comfortable, that I could wear comfy shoes with. I did have to keep in mind though that Mr. Right and I are going to dinner with a client/couple of his this evening. For that I wanted something cute, but not too dressy.

I settled on a pair of chocolate cotton wide-leg trousers and a sleeveless turtleneck sweater. Only the slacks won't stay up on their own. I'm not talking a little crotch saggage. I'm talking straight-out-of-a-rap-video-undies-showing-over-the-top sag.

Also, with the closing that Mr. Right has this afternoon, we're going to be able to afford life insurance and to open a Roth IRA for each of us. While those are both necessities in today's culture, it just makes me feel rich. Crazy huh? Now its just getting our butts in gear and actually doing it.

May 14, 2009

Wally World Adventures

Two months ago, a friend and I decided to run a 5K. We had no time goals; we only wanted to complete the 3.1 mile run without walking. Since we both accomplished that earlier this month, we decide it was time for us to modify our workouts.

Last night was the dreaded long run - 4 miles. Honestly I was so comfortable with my 3 miles, I didn't expect this to be a problem but it was still a little daunting. The track where we run is 0.6 miles around. In order to get my 4 miles in I'd have to do 7 laps!

Unfortunately last week, my MP3 player died. A lot of you are moms so I'm sure you can't relate - but do you know how weird it is to have 50 minutes with nothing but the thoughts in your head and your prayers to God? It was definitely something I'm not use to.

My running buddy kept telling me to go buy a new one, but she is more free with her money than me. Its an interesting friendship, because she's also the friend that lets me know when vitamin water is on sale for $1 and we have $1 off coupons.
She must not understand I just can't fork out $200 for a new MP3 player.

Earlier yesterday, I received an email from Walmart letting me know that my site to store Jillian Michaels 30 day shred had arrived. So after my run, I headed on over to Wally World to pick it up.

I was hot, sweaty, and exhausted so I had no patience having to wait for 15 minutes for someone to help me. I touched the "press here for service" button three times (I waited about 5 minutes after pushing it to push it again) before the assistant manager of the store showed up.

It surprised me, but I didn't even get an "I'm sorry for your wait." Maybe I'm too old school, but if they have a station that's not manned and I have to press a button for someone to help me - their first statement to me should be "I'm sorry for your wait" whether i was there 2 minutes or 20."

I collected my video and moved on, stopping first in the weights section. I had no clue what weight to start with, but I wanted to check prices. The thought of forking over $14 for 5 pounders was too much for me, so I figured Mr. Right and I would proceed with our chat/PowerAde plan.

Just for kicks and giggles I went into electronics to check out their MP3 players. I was shocked and disgusted at the price. Sure the Ipods were still a couple hundred dollars, but most of the other brands were all under $100.

I picked up a RCA (not a name brand, but at least a recognizable name - our last one was a Sansa, who's heard of them?) 1 GB player for $20. That's 10% of what I gave for one two years ago. Of course I snatched it up.

I was a little worried about what Mr. Right would say about it; I've been on a bit of a spending spree lately. First the $45 on new workout attire, then the $10 on my Shred video, now another $20 on the MP3 player.

When he questioned me, I let him know that I had more than enough "dip" money to cover it. Dip money is where I track how much he wastes on tobacco and then allow myself to blow the same amount on whatever I want. The only problem is typically I'm too cheap. I currently have $124 in dip money saved up. Well $94 now :P

He said that he thought he could fix the old one, but when he found out how cheap the new one was we agreed it was worth it so that we could have two. One at the house for him to use when he mows, and one here at work for when I run.

Not sure what you should take away from this post, but I'll try to wrap it up nicely in bullet points.

*If you choose walmart site to store, you'll save $3 in shipping but don't have a plane to catch. You'll probably work for your savings.

*Running 4.2 miles is exhausting sweaty work. Adding a 20 minute shred working out after ward is even more exhausting.

*MP3 players have significantly come down in value.

*Don't use tobacco products or else you're opening yourself up for your spouse to blow hundreds of dollars a year on workout gear when that free t-shirt in the closet would have done the job.

May 13, 2009

Weigh-In Wednesday: Closing in...

Goal for this challenge: 129
Last week: 134.8
This week: 131.8


Okay to keep it real, I think a pound of that was water retention from Cinco de Mayo the night before. Even still two pounds at this point in the game is amazing for me! I never see those kinds of numbers.

Side note - I am currently cramping like yo mama and expect the cotton pony to arrive tomorrow morning. How in the world did I lose 3 lbs this week?!?!?

For those of you who only stop by to visit on Wednesdays, I got measured on Thursday and had lost a ½ inch from each thigh! I lost a total of 1 inch from the widest part in my body in 6 weeks! I’m looking forward to all Jillian has in store for me (assuming Wal-mart would ever get me my video).

Also, since I think I’ll quickly advance in the weights (I’ve been taking a weight training class since January of this year), I really don’t want to invest in a set of weights that I won’t use for very long. A friend suggested that I fill a water bottle with sand. I’m going to try a modified version of that.

Mr. Right chugs PowerAde (when his mom stocks us up, I’m too cheap to buy it) and my dad gave us a bag of chat (like sand only heavier) for the basketball goal my parents got Mr. Right for Christmas. I’m going to fill up the PowerAde bottles with chat (gonna weigh on the scales to make sure they are even and enough weight) for the first little bit. Then when I get in my grove I’ll know better what size weights I need to purchase.

In Biggest Loser news, I fell asleep after Helen’s weigh in, which means I’m going to have to google it to find out who won. 117 lbs?? I vote for Helen gaining at least a little weight back.

Going to bed late 3 nights in a row might mean I miss the Lost finale tonight. I’ll get my mom’s tape and watch it before it comes back on next February no problem.

Okay that’s enough of a post for today. I’m going back to doing my “I lost 3 pounds” happy dance.

May 12, 2009

Caring for Charity

As I said yesterday, Mr. Right and I are “Celebrity Apprentice” fans. The final two contests’ charities were highlighted, which prompted a discussion on our part.

Joan picked a charity close to her heart. She has had several friends die of AIDS so she picked a charity that takes meals to the sick – primarily AIDS patients, but also people with cancer and other debilitating illnesses.

Annie’s charity didn’t seem as touching to me. She picked Refugees International, and of course the great work they do was highlighted on the show. To me, however, it just seemed a little cold. She gave no reason or explanation for picking this charity and she didn’t seem passionate about it. To me it seemed like she thought “I’m going on a show and have to pick a charity…what’s a random politically correct one?”

Mr. Right and I started discussing what charities we would play for, if given the opportunity. Of course a hemophilia related charity was top on his list. I agreed, if it were a donation to the local hospital rather than the national foundation that will do who knows what with it.

My boss has two children with Cystic Fibrosis, so that would be a contender for me. I also mentioned the Tennessee Baptist Children’s home. My great-grandmother was pretty much an orphan – her mother died when she was very young and her father couldn’t handle raising a young child. Thankfully she had family to step in and raise her. Some children aren’t so lucky.

Of course there is also KARM and SMARM – rescue ministries in our area that help those who are struggling financially. There are so many needy people right now, with a variety of needs. I don’t know that I could make a choice like that. Who am I to say that one charity is more deserving than another?

Then Mr. Right posed another question. Do you think you could find 10 people to donate $100? He seemed to think he could. I could only think of two or three people that would be able to do that, but could think of plenty friends/family members who would donate smaller amounts. I would have a much easier time finding 100 people to donate $10.

Who knew fluff TV could provoke such deep thought?

What about you? Is there a charity near and dear to your heart?

How would be easiest for you – if given the challenge of raising $1,000?

May 11, 2009

Dose of Reality

Mr. Right has never been much of a TV watcher. He loves History channel and crap…erm…stuff like that, but he’s not one to get into a TV show. Much less – gasp – “reality” television.

Over the past 6 months, however, he and I have been at the mercy of network TV programmers. Tuesday nights are Biggest Loser and American Idol nights. Thanks to my sister and her family, we’re also hooked on Sunday night’s Celebrity Apprentice.

I actually enjoy watching these shows with Mr. Right better than a regular tv show. He’s self employed, so his work day extends well into the evening. He’s even had clients email him at 10:45 PM asking if he could call them and sure enough at 11 he returned their phone call.

Its hard for him to sit glued to the TV for an hour – so shows like Lost are out of the question. Instead he’ll have his laptop in the living room while we watch “reality” programming. He knows firsthand just how fake these shows are.

About two years ago he was working construction and the log home company he worked for was selected to build a log cabin for a certain home design TV network. I thought this was his 15 minutes of fame; after all he’s a good looking guy. It would be very easy for the camera to fall in love with him.

Only the camera stayed focused on the two models that they had brought in to “build” the cabin. Mr. Right’s crew would set the first 8 logs. Then the models would step in and set the last two logs for the camera, making it look like they did all of the work.

We now understand that these so called reality shows are just as produced as a scripted TV show – but thankfully that doesn’t spoil our fun. I like watching these shows because they don’t require your full attention. He can email a client, rub my feet, watch the show, and discuss it with me all at the same time.

Last night was the finale of Celebrity Apprentice. He and I were on opposing sides – he thought poker champ Annie Duke deserved the price for her superior game play. I wanted Joan Rivers to win, mostly because I hated how arrogant Annie seemed. I particularly enjoyed the moment where Annie thought she was going to win and got all excited right before Donald said “you’re fired.”

Of course if his parents knew – they’d probably think I corrupted their son. When we got married they told me that if they had a daughter they would want her to be exactly like me. Except for my reality show addiction, his dad added as an afterthought. I wonder if their son has told them about his new found addiction.

Biggest Loser finishes up tomorrow night, and American Idol is down to their final 3. What’s a reality couple to do when all their shows are over?

We’ve now got “I’m a celebrity get me out of here” penciled in our summer schedule.

May 08, 2009

Friday Free for All

1. A friend deleted the corrupt files off my MP3 and now I can load it up with some great workout music.

2. I was measured yesterday before my total body toning class and in 6 weeks I’ve lost a ½ inch from each leg – in the saddle bag area. That means I’ve lost an inch from the widest part of my body!

3. I love a clean house – scrubbing the shower Wednesday sucked, but I went to bed happy to have everything in its place.

4. I might be slightly mentally unstable for being that happy about a tidy house.

5. I hate drivers that go 40 MPH in a 45, and I almost called the “how am I driving” number on the back of the van to let his company know. I didn’t because I was afraid it would get him a pat on the back.

6. I went to bed at 8:30 last night because there wasn’t anything good on TV – it wasn’t even completely dark yet outside!

7. I forgot to set my alarm last night, and only by the grace of God woke up when I did (7:50).

8. Because I woke up 20 minutes late I didn’t have time to wash/dry my hair. Shhh, don’t tell my coworkers. Hopefully they can’t tell/smell it.

9. I’m going to try and run until I can’t any more this weekend. I wonder if I could do 4 or 5 or 6 miles??

10. I’m also going to run 1 mile as fast as possible tonight, just for kicks and giggles.

11. I’m having McDonalds for lunch. Shhh, don’t tell my shrinking jeans sisters. In my defense I’m working into my calories for the day.

12. Today is our 6th monthiversary. Mr. Right and I were married 6 months ago today. To celebrate, we’re having tacos for dinner. Aren’t we romantic?

13. Tomorrow I’m finally getting out my summer PJs – no more borrowing Mr. Right’s boxers to sleep in, then getting depressed that they fit me!

14. I still don’t know what I’m cooking my mom for her mother’s day meal, but have already given her gift to her.

So what’s up with you this weekend??

May 07, 2009

National Day of Prayer

Today is the National Day of Prayer, and while I won't be meeting at my church to join my brothers and sisters in Christ, I'd like to join with you right now in prayer.

Some things to remember in prayer:

*Our Nation & Leaders
*Your City Government
(We're having elections today.)
*Your family and friends
*Those that have lost their jobs
*People who don't know Jesus as their Savior

If I can ask you, I have two personal prayers on my heart right now that I'd prefer to leave written. Could you please still remember those?

I'd also like to pray for you. Please let me know what's on your heart right now so that I can pray for you.

I'm linking this up on Amy's post claiming God's promise of answered prayer where 2 or more are gathered.

May 06, 2009

Weigh-In Wednesday - Size 6

Its weigh in day over at the Sisterhood and once again I've got good news and bad news.

Last week: 134.4
This week: 134.8

So that's two weeks in a row I've gained, totaling 1#.

Also, I'm sick of Mr. Right talking about how good Tara on the biggest loser looks!

HOWEVER last night I tried on some size 6 pants at TJ Maxx and they fit! They were a little more snug in the leg than I'd like - but they definitely fit well enough to be work appropriate (the waist was too big, but I'm use to that).

I ended up not buying the pants though, because I found two pair of knee length Nike running shorts that I liked. I was afraid of Mr. Right's reaction to the money I spent (almost $50, including 3 new sports bras, 2 danskin tees, and 2 nike shorts) instead he just hated the look of the shorts.

"These are too long, did you try them on? Or did you buy them for me?"

I need advice on workout clothing - do I go for function but not care about look? Or should I just go for look? Then again in my book thunder thighs shouldn't be seen so running length shorts aren't great either.


PS - If you know a great place to get shorts about two inches above the knee I'd be forever indebted to you!!

May 05, 2009



Lora has so generously passed along a gratitude/great attitude award! Not sure she would have passed it along if she were a friend in real life – but I’ll still take it. (I just noticed Jeannie passed it along as well!)

You see, sometimes I feel pretty crappy. Mr. Right has done something stupid or else the Pill just makes me wonky. I have everything planned out in my mind just like I was a lawyer. Ready to blog and present the evidence on how person X is a jerk.

Only I don’t.

Mostly because I present the me I want to be in this blog. Sort of cheating – but I hope it has the “fake it till you make it” result.

It seems to be working. When I started this blog I didn’t consider myself strong or sexy, and I certainly didn’t push myself when it came to being smart.

Emotionally I still may not be the strongest person in the world, but I’m getting physically stronger. I’ve moved up to using 10 lb dumbbells for bicep work during my toning classes. We do very high rep, so I’m quite proud. (As a point of reference, the She-Ra in our classes uses 12-15 lb weights.)

Not to mention the “strengthening” my lungs are doing right now. Asthma girl can run for 30 minutes without stopping. Without an inhaler. My ex-smoker friend still has a greater lung capacity than me, but she did when she was smoking too.

Setting goals and achieving them has given me confidence – I fulfilled my childhood dream of being a pro-wrestling valet. I accomplished everything on my bucket list – before I turned 30! Not to mention the 5K.

Is there anything sexier than a woman who’s confident?

I’m supposed to pass this along to 10 deserving bloggers. So I nominate you. Yes, you. Enjoy!

May 04, 2009

5K in the rain

I went to bed Friday night around 10 to try and get some sleep for the race. I woke up at 2 AM, and found Mr. Right in the living room still working. By the time I finally convinced him to come to bed, I was awake and had a hard time going back to sleep. It seemed too early when my alarm went off at 6 AM.

We ended up being about 30 minutes early to the race (I had pre-registered so it only took me a moment to sign in.) So Mr. Right and I found a quiet spot to just hand out.

The weather forecast called for rain, and I was hoping that it would hold off till after the race. However, the clouds made for a beautiful pre-race skyline.

Around 8, we all gather at the starting line for a few words from the SMARM president - the race was to benefit the Smoky Mountain Area Rescue Ministry. He spoke of a young high school student who recently contacted SMARM needing assistance with his utility bills. His mother had recently passed away and his father was an alcoholic. Without help from SMARM, he would have had to drop out of school to get a full time job to pay the bills.

Being the sappy dork that I am (not to mention sleep deprived) the story brought me to tears. The National Athemn was followed by a prayer and we were ready to race!

The official race photographer was on the side of the road at the most challenging hill. I was quite annoyed by the people that walked up the hill until they saw the photographer. Most of them took off in a sprint up the hill when they knew they were being caught on camera.

There was a race volunteer at the 1 mile mark, letting everyone know their pace. I was running just under a 11 minute mile. Right before the turn around (it was an up and back course) there was a drink station. I've never had water during my training so I just passed the station up.

After the turn around there was another hill. Not quite as long, but more steep. As I was heading toward the turn around, I noticed my fitness instructor on her way back. Walking.

I ran the whole thing and my fitness instructor didn't.

She still beat me on time, but I was very proud of my accomplishment.

Not too far past the turn around, it started to rain. It must have been about the time the first runner came in (I was a little over half way through the run). The sprinkle felt nice, but when it turned into a down pour I was wishing that I had worn a visor or something to keep the rain from dripping down my face.

I had challenged myself to leave nothing on the track - I was going to give the race my all. When the finish line/clock came in site, I started sprinting. I passed a few people within the last 100 yards and came in just under 34 minutes (33:58) - which averages just under a 11 minute mile.

My next goal is to get down to a 10 minute mile - which I'm going to start work on today!

May 01, 2009

T minus 22 hours and counting

This time tomorrow I'll be done with my 5k!!

Yall are probably getting sick of hearing about it, but it really is a big deal for me. A friend and I started on the Couch to 5K plan about 6 weeks ago. We decided that our first order of business was to find a 5K to run. Our thinking was that if we already had our registration in for the race, we'd be more motivated to actually go through with it.

We picked a race that was 6 weeks away, so we had to cut the first couple weeks off of the training schedule. The first week we did the following:

Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then do two repetitions of the following:

Jog 200 yards (or 90 seconds)
Walk 200 yards (or 90 seconds)
Jog 400 yards (or 3 minutes)
Walk 400 yards (or three minutes)

It was hard to push myself for those 3 minutes. I never dreamed that the plan would work as well as it did, and in just 6 weeks I'd be running 30 minutes more easily that I ran that first 3 minute segment.

Week 5 (my week three) I remember telling my mother I'd never be able to run like the program required that week:

Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then:
Jog 3/4 mile (or 8 minutes)
Walk 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
Jog 3/4 mile (or 8 minutes)

I just didn't think that I could make it for 8 minutes without stopping.

Now I can run 40 minutes without stopping. It was a jog through my neighborhood, so I'm really not sure how far it was, but since I average a 10.5-11.5 minute mile I know it was well over my 5K distance.

Thank you guys for all your support. And I hope my bloggy friends who are real runners aren't too disappointed in me if my time tomorrow isn't great. In my training I have said finishing is more important than how fast I finish.

Improving my time for a solid 10 minute mile is my goal for my next 5K. For now, I'm just going to enjoy reaching my first running goal.