Early voting had me in tears. How did we get to the point in this country where our choices are limited to people I wouldn't vote for Dog Catcher?
I cast my vote for a 3rd party candidate that I'm sure you've never heard of. He's a good man with good ideas, which is probably why he's not a major party candidate.
I'm scared for this country. I'm scared for my children and grandchildren.
A blog about a newlywed as she matures, striving to become a smart, strong, sexy woman.
October 30, 2008
October 29, 2008
I get my wedding dress today!!!!!!
Sorry, I was too excited about it to think of a good title :)
for today:
*wedding dress pick-up
*thank you cards for all the awesome stuff i got at my work shower yesterday
*early vote (tomorrow is the last day)
*dinner with my parents @ the new house
10 days and counting!!!
for today:
*wedding dress pick-up
*thank you cards for all the awesome stuff i got at my work shower yesterday
*early vote (tomorrow is the last day)
*dinner with my parents @ the new house
10 days and counting!!!
October 28, 2008
Bullet point heaven
okay so from now till the wedding i don't see myself getting to do more than bullet point updates. prayers for me and mr. right would be greatly appreciated.
*the bestman officially backed out, so mr. right's dad will be filling that role.
*mr. right found out Sunday night that his hourly independant contractor work ends on Nov. 1st. He's straight commissions after that.
*mr. right has clients coming in this weekend, so he won't be able to go out of town with me as we had planned to visit some of my friends.
*today is marriage license day!
*we hung the pictures in the new house last night, everything looks good but the master bedroom and that blue/green is a difficult color to match. i'm thinking minimalist for its decor. the color on the wall is decoration enough.
*the bestman officially backed out, so mr. right's dad will be filling that role.
*mr. right found out Sunday night that his hourly independant contractor work ends on Nov. 1st. He's straight commissions after that.
*mr. right has clients coming in this weekend, so he won't be able to go out of town with me as we had planned to visit some of my friends.
*today is marriage license day!
*we hung the pictures in the new house last night, everything looks good but the master bedroom and that blue/green is a difficult color to match. i'm thinking minimalist for its decor. the color on the wall is decoration enough.
October 27, 2008
October 22, 2008
Works for Me Wednesday: Dining Room Chairs

When my great-grandmother passes away five years ago, I asked to be able to keep her kitchen table and china cabinet. She loved the formal feel that they had, and even though her house was way to small for them, she found room. If anyone wanted to get up from the table, the had to suck in, but she loved it.
I love my Mamaw, so I wanted to keep something that meant so much to her. I didn't have a home yet, so my mother let me store it in her basement. While the seats looked old fashioned, the rest of the table was in good shape.
I had decided that it was time to let the table go. I didn't foresee myself having a formal dining room and I had other things that belonged to her to keep for cherished memories.
Only I was wrong - Mr. Right and I found "the one" when we were house shopping and it had a formal dining room table! The only problem was making those 1970s chair more modern.
Thankfully, my father is crafty when it comes to things like that. He told me to purchase fabric that I liked and that he would recover them. In my kitchen, I have one red accent wall. Its the main wall in the kitchen and the vaulted ceiling makes it even more gorgeous.
One thing my Mamaw and I shared was the love of the color red. Her entire bedroom was decorated in red: bed spread, satin sheets, chair, vases, lamps. The last formal pictures she had made (when she was in her 70s) was in her favorite red dress. When I found my red fabric that matched the wall in the kitchen, I knew it was perfect. It would make the chairs look nice, and she would have loved them!
I can't tell you all the steps to covering them. But from what I understand its as simple as unscrewing the seat from the chair, folding the fabric around the base and securing it with a staple gun, and then screwing the seat back onto the chair. In this case, he left the old covering on and just covered over it, to give the chair a little more cushion.
Hand-me-downs, family memories, and arts & crafts projects for my dad all work for me!
Head over to Rocks in My Dryer for more great tips and tricks.
October 20, 2008
Weekend Wedding Aventure
Friday night Mr. Right and I went to dinner and just hung out. I was exhausted, so I slept in till noon that next morning. My mother and I had a communication failure regarding the wedding we were attending on Saturday. I thought she told me that we had to leave the house around 6 to make it time. In actuality, the wedding started at 4:44, so we needed to leave at 4 o’clock. I only had 2 hours to do things around the house before starting to get ready. Normally I’m not that big of a diva – it only takes me an hour to get ready, but there were special circumstances involved.
I pushed myself a little too much, and by 4:05 my mom and grandparents were growing impatient with me. I finally dug a pair of pants out of the dirty clothes hamper and headed out the door. Mr. Right was asked to drive, but had 3 backseat drivers to help him along. Knowing that we’re running late, he tries to take the curvy road as quickly as possible. All the while my grandfather is shouting directions in his ear, my grandmother is pointing out house after house and telling him names of people that he doesn’t know use to live there, and my mom is complaining that she’s about to get car sick.
We finally make it to the wedding on time and the backdrop is gorgeous. Unfortunately, I left my camera in the car so I have no photos to share. The wedding itself was on rolling farmland with the mountains in the background. They had several unique touches to the ceremony. As guests arrived, we were direct to an archway to have a photograph taken. Then each guest signed one of the pages in the book, and the family planned on going back and adding the photograph to the book.
The bride arrived by horse drawn carriage. A sad moment in the wedding came when the bride and groom released birds to honor the memory of their loved ones that have passed away – including her brother who died less than a year ago.
As the ceremony closed out, we headed back to our cars and off to the reception site. Good food and good company (family that we rarely have the opportunity to see) made for a nice meal. The bride and groom started the party with their first dance, the father/daughter dance (the father of the bride couldn’t dance, so he sat in a chair while the bride danced with her husband. Then came the dollar dance – I was proud of my mother for having the nerve to get up in front of everyone and dance with the groom!
As the toasts began, the fun came to a screeching halt. One of the guests was having a seizure. Apparently they were nothing new to him, but of course we all stopped the festivities to try and help out in any way possible – which for most of us meant just staying out of the way. Once he was taken care of, the speeches started again, but the old farts I had come with were ready to head home.
It was a gorgeous wedding – but just like any other wedding it had its highs and lows. The lows made me a little anxious for my big day. I worry that my day might not run as smoothly as I have it all planned out in my head.
I pushed myself a little too much, and by 4:05 my mom and grandparents were growing impatient with me. I finally dug a pair of pants out of the dirty clothes hamper and headed out the door. Mr. Right was asked to drive, but had 3 backseat drivers to help him along. Knowing that we’re running late, he tries to take the curvy road as quickly as possible. All the while my grandfather is shouting directions in his ear, my grandmother is pointing out house after house and telling him names of people that he doesn’t know use to live there, and my mom is complaining that she’s about to get car sick.
We finally make it to the wedding on time and the backdrop is gorgeous. Unfortunately, I left my camera in the car so I have no photos to share. The wedding itself was on rolling farmland with the mountains in the background. They had several unique touches to the ceremony. As guests arrived, we were direct to an archway to have a photograph taken. Then each guest signed one of the pages in the book, and the family planned on going back and adding the photograph to the book.
The bride arrived by horse drawn carriage. A sad moment in the wedding came when the bride and groom released birds to honor the memory of their loved ones that have passed away – including her brother who died less than a year ago.
As the ceremony closed out, we headed back to our cars and off to the reception site. Good food and good company (family that we rarely have the opportunity to see) made for a nice meal. The bride and groom started the party with their first dance, the father/daughter dance (the father of the bride couldn’t dance, so he sat in a chair while the bride danced with her husband. Then came the dollar dance – I was proud of my mother for having the nerve to get up in front of everyone and dance with the groom!
As the toasts began, the fun came to a screeching halt. One of the guests was having a seizure. Apparently they were nothing new to him, but of course we all stopped the festivities to try and help out in any way possible – which for most of us meant just staying out of the way. Once he was taken care of, the speeches started again, but the old farts I had come with were ready to head home.
It was a gorgeous wedding – but just like any other wedding it had its highs and lows. The lows made me a little anxious for my big day. I worry that my day might not run as smoothly as I have it all planned out in my head.
Pocket change
I feel poor. Quite odd given the fact that I’m wearing a Moda trench coat, Express slacks, and pumps from a major department store. Not to mention the 46 diamonds adorning my neck and left hand.
Why do I feel like I’m destitute? Because I just carried a Dollar Tree plastic bag full of rolled coins to deposit into my savings account. Take a moment to grasp the ridiculousness of that statement:
1. I have money
2. I am fortunate enough to put it in a savings account, instead of using it to meet my monthly bills
I also need to mention that I wasn’t just depositing the $22.50 in coins. My mother had given me the remainder of the money for my wedding – so I was depositing a few thousand. And I felt poor.
I honestly believe that the same rational behind my thinking is behind the financial mess this country is in. We don’t want to acknowledge that we use (or need) pocket change to purchase things. Better to swipe your plastic card at each transaction, than to fool with change or even cash in the form of bills.
People see what we have, not who we are. And if we are judged by our things, we need to be sure that we have the best. As my pastor said this weekend – we spend money that we don’t have to buy things we don’t need, to impress people that we don’t even like.
I have recognized over and over during the wedding planning how blessed I really am.
• Fiancé that loves me
• Parents that love me
• Parents that can afford to pay the tab
• Being showered with generous gifts
• One of which is our honeymoon lodging paid in full
• Beautiful first home.
So why is it that I let the world get to me? Is Christ (and His blessings) not enough for me? Am I that greedy to want more – when I know that there are plenty of people that would love just ONE of my many blessings?
Why do I feel like I’m destitute? Because I just carried a Dollar Tree plastic bag full of rolled coins to deposit into my savings account. Take a moment to grasp the ridiculousness of that statement:
1. I have money
2. I am fortunate enough to put it in a savings account, instead of using it to meet my monthly bills
I also need to mention that I wasn’t just depositing the $22.50 in coins. My mother had given me the remainder of the money for my wedding – so I was depositing a few thousand. And I felt poor.
I honestly believe that the same rational behind my thinking is behind the financial mess this country is in. We don’t want to acknowledge that we use (or need) pocket change to purchase things. Better to swipe your plastic card at each transaction, than to fool with change or even cash in the form of bills.
People see what we have, not who we are. And if we are judged by our things, we need to be sure that we have the best. As my pastor said this weekend – we spend money that we don’t have to buy things we don’t need, to impress people that we don’t even like.
I have recognized over and over during the wedding planning how blessed I really am.
• Fiancé that loves me
• Parents that love me
• Parents that can afford to pay the tab
• Being showered with generous gifts
• One of which is our honeymoon lodging paid in full
• Beautiful first home.
So why is it that I let the world get to me? Is Christ (and His blessings) not enough for me? Am I that greedy to want more – when I know that there are plenty of people that would love just ONE of my many blessings?
The final nail in the coffin...
Yesterday former Secretary of State Colin Powell came out in support of Barack Obama for President. If members of your own party don't support him, how does Sen. McCain expect to win the White House?
Not that I blame Powell for not being wowed by McCain, I'm not his biggest fan myself. But some of the things Obama positions on important issues (Like the Born Alive Protection Act) could never allow me to cast my vote for him either.
That's why I've decided to vote 3rd party this year. Now I'm not saying that I think Chuck Baldwin has a chance. But I do feel its my duty as an American citizen to vote. And the idea of choosing between the lesser of two evils doesn't sit well with me. So while on paper its a vote for Pastor Baldwin, in reality its my way of saying America has better than the two candidates we're being asked to choose from.
I am not an uninformed voter, as a lack of voting this November would suggest. I am a voter that is so informed, she couldn't in good conscious request that either of the major party candidates be put into office.
Not that I blame Powell for not being wowed by McCain, I'm not his biggest fan myself. But some of the things Obama positions on important issues (Like the Born Alive Protection Act) could never allow me to cast my vote for him either.
That's why I've decided to vote 3rd party this year. Now I'm not saying that I think Chuck Baldwin has a chance. But I do feel its my duty as an American citizen to vote. And the idea of choosing between the lesser of two evils doesn't sit well with me. So while on paper its a vote for Pastor Baldwin, in reality its my way of saying America has better than the two candidates we're being asked to choose from.
I am not an uninformed voter, as a lack of voting this November would suggest. I am a voter that is so informed, she couldn't in good conscious request that either of the major party candidates be put into office.
October 17, 2008
RSVP Headcount
RSVPs to our wedding were due in on Monday and as of right now we have 100 people saying they will attend. Quite a low number, considering I sent out 200 invitations. Right now we only have about 30 people yet to respond, but I'm certain that most of them will be in the "regretfully decline" catagory (we're starting the phone calls next week).
Our reception site will seat 150, so I'm going to put up an invitation at my work. I felt bad that they were throwing me a shower even though most of them weren't on the guest list. That will absolve me of guilt and keep anyone from being offended. A guy in my office did the same thing, and no one from this building (of about 50 people) went to his wedding this past weekend.
I'm really looking forward to the wedding. Not just the marriage - I've been looking forward to that for a while now. But I get excited to think of the special time I'll have with my friends and family. Like prom - only way better.
I've got a surprise in store for my father, and my mother agrees that it will be the highlight of his year. :)
At this point I still have a couple of areas of uncertainty, but I'm thankful that they aren't overwhelming me.
*the musicians (if everything falls thru i can get a battery powered cd player)
*the best man (if he can't come, the groom's dad can step in)
*alcohol @ the reception (i have some people that expect it to be there and others that will be offended if it is)
Our reception site will seat 150, so I'm going to put up an invitation at my work. I felt bad that they were throwing me a shower even though most of them weren't on the guest list. That will absolve me of guilt and keep anyone from being offended. A guy in my office did the same thing, and no one from this building (of about 50 people) went to his wedding this past weekend.
I'm really looking forward to the wedding. Not just the marriage - I've been looking forward to that for a while now. But I get excited to think of the special time I'll have with my friends and family. Like prom - only way better.
I've got a surprise in store for my father, and my mother agrees that it will be the highlight of his year. :)
At this point I still have a couple of areas of uncertainty, but I'm thankful that they aren't overwhelming me.
*the musicians (if everything falls thru i can get a battery powered cd player)
*the best man (if he can't come, the groom's dad can step in)
*alcohol @ the reception (i have some people that expect it to be there and others that will be offended if it is)
October 16, 2008
Things I Love Thursday: David Sunflower Seeds

Last Monday, Mr. Right decided that he was going to quit dipping (for those of you Yankees - "dip" is somewhere between chewing tobacco and snuff, think Skoal). Since then he's had to vary his routine so he doesn't miss it as much as he otherwise would.
For the first week, he stayed in the house completely. He's a real estate agent and since he didn't have any clients wanting to look at property, he was able to completely work from home. The theory being if he doesn't pass a gas station, he's not tempted to go in and buy a can.
My suggestion was sunflower seeds. That way he gets to have the feeling of something in his mouth (instead of that big wad of tobacco) and also gets to spit with none of the harmful side effects. Its even a hobby I'll join in with. There's nothing sexier than a smart, strong woman who'll share a spit cup with her man! ;)
Okay now that I've grosses out all 1 and 1/2 of my readers - I'll get to the point. Its working! Not perfectly, but good enough. Today he's working on his 11th day as a tobacco free man!! And I couldn't be more proud.
Things I love:
my man - tobacco + sunflower seeds = one happy woman!
Thank you David, if you're out there somewhere. For more great products check out Things I Love Thursday's.
October 15, 2008
Blog Action Day: Poverty
Go visit Jenn over at Frugal Upstate - today she and the other walmart bloggy moms are participating in this fundraiser to help combat poverty. She is donating $0.10 per every visitor to her site so go check it out! With donations doubled by Walmart, your click will help benefit Project Peanut Butter.
Works for Me Wednesday: Coupons

My Kroger doubles coupons up to $0.50. This isn't a service they advertise, but a friend of mine noticed she was getting "bonus coupons" at the bottom of her receipt and asked about it. I've tried to pay better attention to item prices and coupons (since $0.50 are now worth $1).
Mr. Right and I need toilet paper for the new house. While its not officially my house yet, I still "go" while I'm there and so I put it on my grocery list. I had an ecoupon for charmin as well as a $0.25 coupon, so I wanted to see how that would stack up. Turns out I was better off using a traditional coupon for a cottonelle 4 pack. Charmin would have saved me $0.75 off a couple of dollars. The cottonelle was $0.99. My $0.50 doubled (well almost) to $0.49 and I got the rolls for free (after tax).
I also worked a good ecoupon deal that a friend tipped me off about. I got an esaver coupon for $5 off a fabreeze noticeable started kit, as well as a paper coupon for $5. Kroger allows you to use both coupons, so I got the $6.99 kit free and then the additional $3.01 taken off the remainder of my grocery bill.
Paying attention to coupons and working good deals works for me. Check out Works for Me Wednesday over at Rocks in my Dryer.
October 14, 2008
Wedding Stress
I have the following things on my plate to deal with:
* still no musicians for the wedding ceremony. i have someone "looking into it" but i haven't heard from him since last week
* circulating rumors that the portion of the national park where we'll be getting married will be closed the month of November. i'm praying this one will be debunked. they did issue me a permit for that date after all. i have an email and a voicemail in to check on this. no word yet.
* an aunt who decided that she needs to bring a guest to my wedding. a wedding so private that none of her children are invited. i suspect she's bringing her great grandson. have i mentioned there are very few children in this world i actually like? so instead of my closest friends at the wedding, this little brat will be there. because my mother is a peacemaker and thinks it would just be best to leave it alone. but i HATE people who always have to get their way no matter what. people who think the rules don't apply to them. why should i give in, when her being there or not means nothing to me?
* a mother who likes to hide things from me (like my aunt's rsvp card) for "my own good". i was in a bad mood this past week, so she decided to save it for a day i was in a good mood. so you can ruin this day as well mother? excellent plan. :|
* 141 (of 212) guests still yet to rsvp. Monday was the deadline. I'd better get to making those calls...
* still no musicians for the wedding ceremony. i have someone "looking into it" but i haven't heard from him since last week
* circulating rumors that the portion of the national park where we'll be getting married will be closed the month of November. i'm praying this one will be debunked. they did issue me a permit for that date after all. i have an email and a voicemail in to check on this. no word yet.
* an aunt who decided that she needs to bring a guest to my wedding. a wedding so private that none of her children are invited. i suspect she's bringing her great grandson. have i mentioned there are very few children in this world i actually like? so instead of my closest friends at the wedding, this little brat will be there. because my mother is a peacemaker and thinks it would just be best to leave it alone. but i HATE people who always have to get their way no matter what. people who think the rules don't apply to them. why should i give in, when her being there or not means nothing to me?
* a mother who likes to hide things from me (like my aunt's rsvp card) for "my own good". i was in a bad mood this past week, so she decided to save it for a day i was in a good mood. so you can ruin this day as well mother? excellent plan. :|
* 141 (of 212) guests still yet to rsvp. Monday was the deadline. I'd better get to making those calls...
I've been quasi-tagged by Rachel to post 7 random things about me.
1. When folding towels/wash cloths, I have to color coordinate them. If the green towel doesn't have a matching green wash cloth, i have to go with the most complimentary color. Never could I wash with a pink cloth and dry with a red towel.
2. I've been accused of having the spiritual gift of mercy, but have found myself hating people too often to believe it.
3. At the age of 28 (well in 25 days) I will have completed everything on my bucket list. The only item currently still on there is getting married which will be marked off soon.
4. Through this whole wedding I have consistently felt guilty for all the blessings God has given me from my friends and family.
5. People who listen to songs but don't hear the lyrics get on my nerves. What is a song without the words.
6. I recently discovered a love for green peppers. Who knew something healthy could actually taste good on pizza?
7. I hated Sylar last year on Heroes. He's slowly starting to become my favorite character. One of the best avatars ever says "Sylar - finally a man who wants you for your brain."
1. When folding towels/wash cloths, I have to color coordinate them. If the green towel doesn't have a matching green wash cloth, i have to go with the most complimentary color. Never could I wash with a pink cloth and dry with a red towel.
2. I've been accused of having the spiritual gift of mercy, but have found myself hating people too often to believe it.
3. At the age of 28 (well in 25 days) I will have completed everything on my bucket list. The only item currently still on there is getting married which will be marked off soon.
4. Through this whole wedding I have consistently felt guilty for all the blessings God has given me from my friends and family.
5. People who listen to songs but don't hear the lyrics get on my nerves. What is a song without the words.
6. I recently discovered a love for green peppers. Who knew something healthy could actually taste good on pizza?
7. I hated Sylar last year on Heroes. He's slowly starting to become my favorite character. One of the best avatars ever says "Sylar - finally a man who wants you for your brain."
Our Anniversary Celebration
Last night as I was leaving work, I got a phone call from Mr. Right saying he'd burned dinner. Apparently, a client called during the "bring to a boil" stage. He wanted to look at property today and Mr. Right was so excited that he forgot about dinner. (The real estate market is slow goings right now.) Rather than salvage what was on top of the skillet, he tried to scrape the bottom, realizing his mistake only after the charred food was mixed in with the rest.
It was very sweet of him to make the effort to cook for me, giving me a night off. Then he did the dishes and encouraged me to watch last week's episode of Heroes, so that I could watch last nights as it aired and be caught up on the season. (I've been behind because of the move.)
I got him a sweet card, and meant to get him so beef jerky (we're spending enough money on the house/wedding, we didn't want to spend more on gifts). and after he did dishes he sat down beside me and i gave him a neck massage. then we snuggled for the rest of the night watching tv.
It was very sweet of him to make the effort to cook for me, giving me a night off. Then he did the dishes and encouraged me to watch last week's episode of Heroes, so that I could watch last nights as it aired and be caught up on the season. (I've been behind because of the move.)
I got him a sweet card, and meant to get him so beef jerky (we're spending enough money on the house/wedding, we didn't want to spend more on gifts). and after he did dishes he sat down beside me and i gave him a neck massage. then we snuggled for the rest of the night watching tv.
October 13, 2008
Menu Plan Monday

Monday: he's in charge (its our anniversary)
Tuesday: Chicken Alfredo
Wednesday: Burritos
Thursday: Chicken Pie
Friday: Veggies
Chicken Pie
2 pie crusts
1 can cream o' soup
1 can vegall
1 lb ckn
1 tbsp sour cream
mix together then spoon into pie crusts. bake on 375 for 25-20 minutes.
for more great menu ideas, check out Menu Plan Monday!
Happy Anniversary to me! :)
Today marks the 2 year anniversary of when Mr. Right and I met on the park bench outside Johnny Carino's. Who knew that a first date with a guy I met on the internet would lead me down this path!
I guess this is also our last official "monthiversary" before the big day (26 days and counting). We haven't decided if we're celebrating the 13th still as our monthiversary or if we'll move it to our wedding day, the 8th.
I guess this is also our last official "monthiversary" before the big day (26 days and counting). We haven't decided if we're celebrating the 13th still as our monthiversary or if we'll move it to our wedding day, the 8th.
October 10, 2008
Braggin' on my man
He's been tobacco free for 4 days now! Does seem like a long time to you non-tobacco families out there, but its been more than 10 years since he's been this long w/o it! Which means that it was shortly after he graduated high school (I skipped my 10 year reunion this past weekend).
I'm very proud of him. I knew he could do it if he ever put his mind to it, I just wasn't sure he WANTED to quit.'
He could certainly use your prayers. Nicotine is a tough drug to beat. For the sake of his health and our budget - I'm sure hoping this takes!
I'm very proud of him. I knew he could do it if he ever put his mind to it, I just wasn't sure he WANTED to quit.'
He could certainly use your prayers. Nicotine is a tough drug to beat. For the sake of his health and our budget - I'm sure hoping this takes!
October 09, 2008
Things I Love Thursday

I could make an entire list of things that I love. Maybe Rachel won't get annoyed with me for stealing her bullet list idea.
*Mr. Right, for trying very hard to break his addiction to smokeless tobacco
*Taking a night where all we do is watch a movie together (no wedding or house work)
*30 days till the wedding
*My super-duper organization skills that have me only 14 things on my The Knot checklist, which include "tell your parents you love them, this is a sad day for them" and "relax & enjoy your day"
But I know that she was looking for a product so...
*looks around desk*
So this week's "Things I love Thursday" item is Bath and Bodyworks Deep Cleaning Antibacterial Handgel. For when gross people come into work and hand me stuff. Or when I sneeze (which happens a lot).
Check out the Diaper Diaries for more products people love.
October 08, 2008
The Rachel
No matter what I do, I can't get away from it. My old stylist got in the rut of giving me shorter layers on top and longer on bottom. Think the Rachel only longer. He also dyed my hair jet black making me look like Elvira (unfortunately, it was last October so it looked like a Halloween snafu). So I change stylists, and the next lady makes everything worse. She went crazy with the texurizing sheers and cut the top layer even shorter, and since it had been a few months, the bottom got longer. Looking more and more like the Mistress of the Dark.
I tried a couple of different stylists till I found one that didn't make me leave the salon in tears. Which is where I am now. Back to the Rachel. But at least its long enough to pull back for the wedding.
I tried a couple of different stylists till I found one that didn't make me leave the salon in tears. Which is where I am now. Back to the Rachel. But at least its long enough to pull back for the wedding.
October 07, 2008
Shower gift vs Wedding gift
In this area, you take a gift to the shower if you are invited instead of the wedding. If you aren't invited to the shower (or can't attend for some reason) you just take the gift to the wedding.
So it wasn't until I decided to marry a Yankee that the thought of two gifts ever crossed my mind. Apparently its customary up there to send a gift to the shower, then a gift card or money to the wedding.
I considered the fact that his mother is very generous and maybe that is practiced by her alone. Until yesterday. A family friend of Mr. Right had given us a Target gift card for our shower gift. Then yesterday, we received their RSVP card regretfully declining, and a visa gift card in the mail.
How cool is that?
*desperately hopes that I'm not the only one in bloggy land that has never heard of this phenomon
So it wasn't until I decided to marry a Yankee that the thought of two gifts ever crossed my mind. Apparently its customary up there to send a gift to the shower, then a gift card or money to the wedding.
I considered the fact that his mother is very generous and maybe that is practiced by her alone. Until yesterday. A family friend of Mr. Right had given us a Target gift card for our shower gift. Then yesterday, we received their RSVP card regretfully declining, and a visa gift card in the mail.
How cool is that?
*desperately hopes that I'm not the only one in bloggy land that has never heard of this phenomon
October 06, 2008
Secret No More
I found it!!! :) I pulled my suitcase out to pack up some clothes in my dresser and found the Victoria's Secret purchase! I was looking for it still in its original bag. Instead it was wadded...erm...folded and placed in the front compartment of the bag!
I have to pick up a few gifts that were special ordered at the store today, so I went through my gifts to see what needed taking back (I have gotten some duplicates). I picked up the walnut clock/picture frame and looked it over to see what store it had been purchased at (it wasn't on my registry, but I did receive a similar clock/frame that I had registered for). That's when I found the "father's day" bar code. Then I noticed on the front the tag that they had attempted to remove said "free gift".
That's right, I caught my first regifter. Since I can't take it back, I'm not sure what to do with it. I'll probably either put it in my yard sale, or see if anyone helping with the wedding likes it and they can keep it.
33 days till the wedding and I haven't felt that super stress yet. I mean I've freaked about individual things (like the lost wedding night apparel), but not over the wedding in general.
I went for my 2nd fitting this weekend and fell in love with my dress all over again! :) The veil I bought at Hobby Lobby is perfect in color, and my seamstress is just going to take out a layer for simplicity sake. From the waist up I look so skinny!! :) The dress flairs out at the waist so that's no big deal. And my target jewelery looks perfect with the dress!
My sister told me I look like a Primpress (apparently she's been around my niece just a little too long). Translation Primpress = Princess.
My friends shower was this weekend and we had a great time. One of the games was Mr. Right being interviewed by my friend and after the question was asked, she would pause the tape and I would have to answer. I had to lol (well as best I could with 4 pieces of gum in my mouth because of the 4 questions I answered incorrectly) at the specific questions about things my friend knows I hate about Mr. Right (his massive t-shirt collection, his dip spit cup collection.
I have to pick up a few gifts that were special ordered at the store today, so I went through my gifts to see what needed taking back (I have gotten some duplicates). I picked up the walnut clock/picture frame and looked it over to see what store it had been purchased at (it wasn't on my registry, but I did receive a similar clock/frame that I had registered for). That's when I found the "father's day" bar code. Then I noticed on the front the tag that they had attempted to remove said "free gift".
That's right, I caught my first regifter. Since I can't take it back, I'm not sure what to do with it. I'll probably either put it in my yard sale, or see if anyone helping with the wedding likes it and they can keep it.
33 days till the wedding and I haven't felt that super stress yet. I mean I've freaked about individual things (like the lost wedding night apparel), but not over the wedding in general.
I went for my 2nd fitting this weekend and fell in love with my dress all over again! :) The veil I bought at Hobby Lobby is perfect in color, and my seamstress is just going to take out a layer for simplicity sake. From the waist up I look so skinny!! :) The dress flairs out at the waist so that's no big deal. And my target jewelery looks perfect with the dress!
My sister told me I look like a Primpress (apparently she's been around my niece just a little too long). Translation Primpress = Princess.
My friends shower was this weekend and we had a great time. One of the games was Mr. Right being interviewed by my friend and after the question was asked, she would pause the tape and I would have to answer. I had to lol (well as best I could with 4 pieces of gum in my mouth because of the 4 questions I answered incorrectly) at the specific questions about things my friend knows I hate about Mr. Right (his massive t-shirt collection, his dip spit cup collection.
October 03, 2008
Melt Down
After planning a wedding for the past 5 months and planning a move for about 4 of those same months, I've reached my boiling point.
I was so excited last night to get all my kitchen boxes unpacked. For the final time I wiped down the "work zone" counters and scrubbed the "paint brush cleaning" sink. Its now my kitchen.
I was thrilled as I started making a checklist in my head.
Living room - done
Kitchen - done
Dining room - waiting on table and china cabinet to be moved this weekend
Library - done (for now)
Guest bedroom - up to Mr. Right (that's his closet space)
Guest bath - put out spare CVS toiletries for guests
Master bedroom - full of wedding gifts
Master closet - waiting on my extra special control freak "a place for everything" touch
Master bath - done, excluding gifted towels (is it bad luck to wash these things up before the wedding?
Man room - done, also none of my business
Then I realized we had one major problem - I had purchased wedding night attire at Victoria's Secret in June. It made the move (or so I thought) from my apartment to my parents house. When I thought about it, I just assumed it would turn up when I unpacked. Only now I've unpacked almost every box and its no where to be found.
$35 down the drain. I thought about not buying it. If Mr. Right new how much I paid for it, he would think it was the most unsexy piece of cloth he'd ever seen. But I rationalized that this little splurge wouldn't hurt anything. It was a once in a lifetime chance.
36 days till the wedding night and Victoria's Secret is where she decided to hide herself.
The good news is I found my pert plus receipt (it was wrapped around the Walgreens gift card). Not much comfort when your net loss is $30.71.
I was so excited last night to get all my kitchen boxes unpacked. For the final time I wiped down the "work zone" counters and scrubbed the "paint brush cleaning" sink. Its now my kitchen.
I was thrilled as I started making a checklist in my head.
Living room - done
Kitchen - done
Dining room - waiting on table and china cabinet to be moved this weekend
Library - done (for now)
Guest bedroom - up to Mr. Right (that's his closet space)
Guest bath - put out spare CVS toiletries for guests
Master bedroom - full of wedding gifts
Master closet - waiting on my extra special control freak "a place for everything" touch
Master bath - done, excluding gifted towels (is it bad luck to wash these things up before the wedding?
Man room - done, also none of my business
Then I realized we had one major problem - I had purchased wedding night attire at Victoria's Secret in June. It made the move (or so I thought) from my apartment to my parents house. When I thought about it, I just assumed it would turn up when I unpacked. Only now I've unpacked almost every box and its no where to be found.
$35 down the drain. I thought about not buying it. If Mr. Right new how much I paid for it, he would think it was the most unsexy piece of cloth he'd ever seen. But I rationalized that this little splurge wouldn't hurt anything. It was a once in a lifetime chance.
36 days till the wedding night and Victoria's Secret is where she decided to hide herself.
The good news is I found my pert plus receipt (it was wrapped around the Walgreens gift card). Not much comfort when your net loss is $30.71.
October 02, 2008
Things I Love Thursday

This morning, it was 40 degrees as I headed into work. Today is the first time I've gotten to use my heated car blanket this season. And, if you hadn't figured out by the title, I love it!
I typically plug it in, fold it in half and sit on it. Viola - instant seat heater (for those of us po-folk that can't afford the real deal). Its also very handy when taking long trips in Mr. Right's soft top Jeep Wrangler.
For more great products, check out Diaper Diaries Things I Love Thursday.
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