September 25, 2008

Things I Love Thursday: Kraft Foods

I'll be the first to admit that I'm a lazy cook. I get to Mr. Right's house at about 6 PM, and I don't like eating late at night. So in order to have supper cooked and eaten before 7, my meals can't take any longer than 30 minutes. Thank you Rachael Ray, but I'm sure if I made anything you cook, not only would I be broke, but we would hardly even eat any of it.

I love the Kraft Foods web site. They have quick, easy and tasty meals that don't break the bank. Since they're not giving me any kick backs for this, I can admit that I don't always use Kraft ingredients when making the recipes. In fact, I hardly do.

Its a great way to get a quick meal idea that quickly become family favorites, like Tex Mex Shells and Cheese. Its one of our favorites, and if I can get ground beef on sale at a low price, I can make it for around $3.

For more favorites, check out the Diaper Diaries Things I Love Thursday!


  1. I am going to look into making that with healthy ingredients and see how it turns out!

  2. I found a few items on their website that I'd like to try in the coming weeks. I'm all about the quick and cheap dinners.

  3. Girl, I love Kraft Foods too! They have been a lifesaver many a time!

  4. Oooh -- yes! And I love going to the Food Network Web site and clicking on the "easy recipies," haha!

  5. HAve you signed up for their magazine? It is free and has lots of great stuff in it.


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