April 03, 2009

Answered prayer

My friend took her son to a neurosurgeon to discuss removing the the growth on his back. The doctor looked over everything and told my friend that surgery was not necessary.

The "growth" wasn't a tumor on his spine, and it definitely was not the cause of him having pains/losing feeling in his legs.

I'm not sure if God healed my friends son, or if the original dianosis was just wrong - either way God heard the prayers of His people asking for health for Dominic and peace of mind for his mother.

Praise the Lord!

And thanks for all your prayers.


  1. I am so happy to hear that he is ok! I pray that he will have a full recovery!

  2. Yay! God is good! I'll be praying for a full recovery!

  3. Thanks for that wonderful news!

  4. Hooray! And I would say "hallejuah" if I could spell it! =)

  5. I totally believe it was a healing! Yay! God is so good!
    ~ Katie

  6. Thank God! That's awesome. :)


what up yo?