April 27, 2009

Blessed to be a blessing

While I was excited about Dave Ramsey’s Town Hall for Hope, I assumed I would know most of everything he was going to say. After all I’ve been through Financial Peace University, read the book, and listen to him practically every day on the radio.

What I got was an unexpected message of hope for me. Mr. Right and I are doing well right now – his main business is selling foreclosure cabins. And to be honest, I felt a little guilty about it.

I knew my guilty wasn’t a Godly conviction. Mr. Right is refreshingly honest with his clients and he works very hard for every sale, but the twinge of guilt was still there.

So I very much welcomed Dave’s perspective on wealth. Its not a pie – a common believe that there is only so much money and in order to increase your wealth, someone else’s has to decrease.

Instead it’s a candle – when I light my candle, it frees me to light the candles of those around me.

And that’s exactly what my husband is doing. He’s finding a rental cabin at a great price for his clients, thus lighting his candle. As they rent out the cabin for a profit (Mr. Right runs the numbers before the sale to make sure it will cash flow), the owner’s candle is lit. The owner goes on to light the candle of the rental management company, who in turn lights the candles of the maintenance and housekeeping crews that keep the property rentable. When a tourist rents out the cabin, they bring their vacation dollars to the area to light the candles of restaurant owners, servers, outlet shops, and attractions all over town.

Not to mention when I take a portion of the candle to TJ Maxx for a new outfit.

As long as I bless others while I’m being blessed by God, I have nothing to feel guilty about. That was a message of hope this lady really needed to hear.

If I may brag a moment – Mr. Right and I got our electric bill in the mail this weekend. It was only $27!!! Talk about a financial blessing! That’s about $50 under what the bill normally is. Our weather has been so nice that we haven’t had to run our HVAC unit very much at all.

What way has God blessed you recently?


  1. Yay! Its amazing the way God blesses us huh? The other day there was some unopened bags of dried fruit and nut mix on the break room table that said "Free for the taking!" so I took it, but I was SHOCKED it hadn't already been snagged, but I knew that God was blessing me with some tasty snacks :)
    - Katie

  2. My kids recently qualified for Early Intervention services. This has been a HUGE blessing in a lot of ways! Firstly, it's FREE. And second, my kids will get the help that they need/deserve. Win WIN!

  3. That's a wonderful post!!

    I'm blessed with family....that I love sooooo much - even if it hurts sometimes too.


what up yo?