July 08, 2009

Weigh-in Wednesday - Do over

Today is weigh-in day over at the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans. I talked a big game last week about how I was going to push myself and make sure I got into the 120s this week.

Want your excuses now or later?

Last week: 130.8
This week: 130.8

I amped up my work outs, adding two extra workouts to my normal 5. I also amped up my eating habits - 2000 calories on Saturday (justified of course by the 11 mile bike ride and the holiday) and 2000 in one meal on Sunday (justified by my family reunion). Not to mention this is the week (tomorrow morning specifically) that I saddle up the cotton pony and ride into the guest hut to live with AF for a few days.

HOWEVER, I made myself a promise and a I let myself down. Forgive me while I go all Jillian on myself for a moment. Excuses don't take the weight off. Excuses don't help me reach my goal. Life happens, holidays happen - part of my new way of life is learn how to deal with it.

Saturday I won't beat myself up for. That's just 300 calories more than normal and I did good with my exercise (although I could have stopped after just a couple of marshmallows). Sunday is just plain unacceptable. Fried chicken legs, mac & cheese, chicken and dumplings, fried okra, bread...pecan pie, a rice crispy square, and peach cobbler.


Today is a new day, and all that...

Hopefully you had more self control this week than I did!


  1. LOL OK "saddle up the cotton pony" HAHAHAHAHAHAH I am 33 and have had a million of "those weeks" but have never ever heard that before. HILARIOUS!

    anyhoo, i'm still glad you maintained, does that count? that's pretty darned great actually!!!!

  2. I totally lack in the self control area!

  3. Haha! I had never heard of the cotton pony until last summer and died laughing! Riding the pony here too. ;o)

    Now, if you had gained, I was prepared to go Jillian on your ass, but you maintained, so I will just tell you that I know you will do better next week. ;o)

  4. You did a great job of maintaining. I just maintained this week too. With my birthday and the 4th it was hard. And I've had some issues with working out. Here's to this week and let's get our buts in gear!!

  5. Yeah, dang pony is here too:p

    I know you said Sunday was unexceptable, but that did look like an AWESOME meal:)

    You maintained and that is good. Next week, you know what you gotta do.

  6. you are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more disciplined than I!!! don't be too hard on yourself! :)

  7. you are doing amazing..keep up all the hard work...

    m ")

  8. Man. If you get all Jillian on yourself, what am I suppose to do?

    Seriously, you know where you went wrong, you know how to fix it, and I have no doubts that you will. :o)

    PS. You crack me up.

  9. I had NO self-control this past week. I was on vaca.

    But I did exercise 30 mins today...Gotta get back in action...


what up yo?