August 03, 2010

Senior Picture Take 2

Tis the season for hair cuts, and unlike my fellow sisters, I didn't rush to put a new profile picture on twitter.  (If you're not already following me I'm @smartstrongsexy )  So April and Thea decided to give me homework over the weekend - I had to get a new picture up by Monday.

After considering my Saturday plans (cleaning house) and Sunday (going straight to the pool after church) I wasn't when my hair would actually be fixed.  And who wants to see a picture of my grimy dirty hair?

After meeting my mother for our weekly Friday lunch date, Jay joined us and took us to see a cabin just for kicks and giggles.  He promised the largest kitchen we'd ever seen.  After the grand tour, we had to agree he was right.  The house was huge and beautiful.  And the built in table/bench combo gave me a great idea if we ever build a farmhouse.

Since he already had his camera with him (to take pictures of cabins for clients) I decide to make him put it to good use.  I mean my hair was already fixed for work anyway right?

I'm one of those people that are self conscious about picture of me, so I had a hard time taking it seriously.  Instead I decided to ham it up and do all of those cheesy shots they make you do when you're having your senior portraits.

This pose was a must - especially given my bracelet!  I don't accessorize well, so when I do accessorize I like to show it off!

Yes, I'm a big goof ball.  I can't help it.  I wouldn't help it even if I could!  No reason to take life too seriously!

Remember this one?  I know you do.  I'd be willing to wager that most of you did the "lean up against a tree" pose.  So mine is a dead tree.

Jay requested one with my sunglasses down, so I obliged.  Personally I think that I have too many sunglasses pictures (due to my annoying blinking), and my hair doesn't look so great in this one.  Definitely not my favorite.

Sorry for the lack of anything thought provoking or motivational, but I think we could all use a bit of goofiness in our lives!

PS - This was Saturday.  See what I mean?  Definitely not a good hair day!!!


  1. i LOVE LOVE LOVE the new hair!!! And love the poses too, you're so cute!!!

  2. You are so stinking cute! And, yes, I think I had every one of those poses back in 198? :)

  3. Love the new hair and yes. I have a Senior Picture of me leaning up against a Jukebox.

  4. oh you are too cute, love the flip of the hair...good choice!

  5. I like the tree pose best! Next time you need to do the "Prom Pictures Take 2"!

  6. Hilarious! I gotta find you on twitter now!!

  7. adorable!!! what a fun post!!!

  8. Aw, Bari beat me to the "aw, you're so stinkin' cute!" comment! Those are great pictures! (And oh my, yes, I remember the Senior Picture poses-my parents have this ginormous one of me with the curled-hand-under-chin pose. (Though if you look close, there's this teensy-tiny spit bubble in my lips, that you can only see in the ginormous version. ;-D)

  9. Cute! Definitely some familiar poses!

  10. I think the poses and the hair are both sooo cute!

  11. You're too cute. At least they weren't Glamour Shots but maybe you're too young to remember those.

  12. I loved each of are absolutely adorable, such a fun personality!!!

    I didn't lean against a tree in my senior pic but I sat on a rock, leaning on another rock. Kind of an awkward position!

  13. soooo, which one won?
    (i don't tweet, so i have no way of knowing!)

    i loved them all. fun :)

  14. Love all the posing. It reminds me of my sister. She does silly stuff like that all the time. And I totally remember the leaning against the tree one. ;)

  15. You're so stinkin' cute. And grimy hair is in, baby!


what up yo?