March 09, 2011

March Goals (Spilling into April)

Yeah, yeah.  I know that the month started last week.  I was in paradise, so I didn't exactly sit down with a pen and paper on my hike through the bamboo forest to write down my goals.  I'm back in the swing of things now, so in conjunction with the Spring In2 Action challenge and weekly check in I wanted to share my goals with yall.

Spring In2 Action

Give me a moment to crack open my handy dandy notebook.  Stop laughing at me.  Yes, I have an eating chart as well as a daily goal chart printed from a Publisher file and bound in a 1 inch white binder.  Yes I am a nerd.  Deal with it!

  • 64 oz of water daily.
  • 3 fruits/veggies per day
  • Exercise at least 15 minutes per day
  • Read Bible daily
  • Read book of my choice 30 minutes daily
I know I've read it a million times, but I'm going to have to research portions as to what counts as a serving of veggies.  Also I've decided too subtract one thing and add one thing to my life for Lent.  (Today is Ash Wednesday.)

I'm going to abstain from drinking carbonated beverages for the next 40 days.  Yall know that I've tried this before to no avail.  This time I've got better motivation.  Instead of focusing on my deprivation, I'm going to focus on the cross of Calvary and the coming Easter season.  Whenever I encounter a craving for coke, I've resolved to pray for those who have no clean drinking water.

Also?  I've decided for the next 40 days I'm going to pray before every meal.  I've been incredibly bless - God has provided our daily bread and then some.  I should have an attitude of gratitude, and I don't.  I need to set aside time to thank Him for that.  To thank Him for our good health as a family. 

I have decided that I'll be calorie counting (just for some structure - please see my printed off goal chart as proof that I crave structure) and weighing in every Wednesday, but I don't want to share that number here.  I want it to be a tool, but not my focus.

I feel like I'm off to a great start - now just to keep it up!  Can't let Ashley (my fellow Dare Devil Diva) down! I refuse to call us the Triple Ds cause that's just false advertising!!

How's you're week going?  Are you observing lent?  What goals (be it fitness, financial, or otherwise) do you hope to reach this month?


  1. HAHA! I have two tiny notebooks where I record what I eat and how active I am daily...yeah. Done it since college.

    I gave up facebook for lent. I had to delete the app from my phone because it's such a habit.

  2. I love you and your need for structure, just don't let it overtake you. M'kay?

  3. Glad you are back from paradise. =) Thanks for the encouragement. And yes you are right I can't wait for Saturday!!

  4. I am glad you are back from paradise!!!

    I am a structure person too I write everything down and track everything I eat. I find it helps me stay on track and it works!

    Have a great week I love your goals!

  5. I love your goals and the level of commitment you have! We don't do Lent, but I like the idea of prayer because you are right!!

  6. We are gonna rock this challenge!

    And you can't help it if people read into what Triple D means?? Right? No? lol!

  7. Would you care to share your charts with me? I'm a nerd, too, I suppose, because I love stuff like that!

    I've tried using my iPhone, and there's just something special about actual paper forms...

    I gave up carbonated drinks in December! Less acid reflux, my friend!

    What a wonderful idea and blessing on others -- praying for those without clean water...

  8. Good goals. Good luck on the no carbonated drinks. And tracking is good, but as Bari said, don't let it turn you into a crazy person.

  9. I like charts & stuff. They make me happy! I think your goals sound good! I hope you do well on your goal of not drinking Cokes!

    As for Little Bunny Foo Foo...I haven't actually been bopping the field mice on the head, but two have successfully been disposed of (via snap trap & glue board). I'm hoping that's all, but our pest control guy put out a couple more traps this morning! We'll see...

  10. three cheers for calorie counting! well not really, but i actually do like looking back and seeing the patterns, that's fascinating! i don't know what i'm giving up for lent yet, but I love your idea! that's a great way to focus on the good!

  11. You've got some great goals! I planned to start writing everything down today but waking up to a sick child threw that out the window! So tomorrow is the plan! I thrive in structure too so I understand! Good luck!

  12. I love your goals - and the fact that you are setting goals for all kinds of things - not just weight loss!

  13. Nerds are cool. I love tracking things so I salute you and your binder.

    My week is off to a great start, thanks for asking! My family does not observe lent but I will be rooting for you and your avoidance of carbonated beverages. My goal is to continue pushing myself with the Couch to 5K training app and sign up for a 5K.

  14. love the goals, love even more the focus for Lent :-)

  15. Great goals!

  16. Oh I just love printed of lists, charts, goals... anything that will show me in black and white that I'm staying on track and accomplishing what I set out to do! Love that you are praying for those without clean water when you crave a pop. That really puts it all into perspective!


what up yo?