October 28, 2010

Thursday's Ten - Halloween Style

The following is a repost from last year.  Some of you weren't around to enjoy it, so I thought I would share it again.  That and I'm super busy right now. 

I've never been all that creative when it comes to Halloween costumes. My mom was the time that would throw something together and call us a gypsie. Some of my costumes have been more creative than that, and some just fell flat...

10. Two years ago I went to a "famous singers" themed party.

So I curled my hair, but put on too much makeup and went as J-Lo. The effort is lost since you can't see the velour track pants in the picture. Or not.

9. Cowgirl is a common one that I do. I've got the boots and the hat. Its too easy.

8. Then there was that time I went as Laura from Little House on the Prairie.

Oops...wrong holiday - that was Easter.

7. I had a horrible cut/color experience last October that left me looking like Elivra...

6. Then there was that time my sister and I got into my mom's makeup case and used her pink lipstick to draw a star and the words "Jem" on our faces.

5. I've been known to dress as a runner a time or two...

4. Or don a football jersey (with my dad)

3. One year, I borrowed my dad's pants, wore my throwback Lou Gehrig jersey, wrist bands, chain and padlock around my neck, and went as WWE Superstar John Cena.

Everyone thought I was Eminem.

2. I had a brief stint as a UT Vol cheerleader (That's my dad again - back in the day he was a dead ringer for Earl Hickee)

But my #1 all time best costume ever, was the year I went as Cowboy David. My aunt had recently married a guy named David. He wasn't a cowboy, but a music minister for a Baptist church. Not sure where I came up with that one. As we were scanning in the pictures for the wedding - Jay commented on how cute I was in my minnie mouse dress "but who's that little boy."

PS - The one in the dress is my sister.


  1. I'm dying laughing over here over the last photo and the comments. Hilarious. :)

  2. Ha ha! Too funny!! Aw, I loved Jem & the holograms!

  3. That last one is so, so cute! Great photos:)

  4. Too cute!!! And I now see what you mean about John Cena looking like Eminem.

    My perennial costume was the "Cereal Killer." I dress in normal clothes but carried around a cereal box with a plastic meat cleaver sticking out of it.

  5. ahhh, I loved this just as much as last year! :0) too TOO funny!

  6. OMG, that last one absolutely killed me!!! And Jay's comment was icing on the cake!!!!

  7. Thanks for a good laugh Brooke. Fun post. Happy Halloween!

  8. Great pictures! They are hilarious :) Especially the "boy"

  9. LOL @ #8! I loved this post last time around, too :)


what up yo?