August 11, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

Monday: Leftovers

My tomato-basil meatless dish wasn't well received, but it was decent enough that we'll be finishing it off (with homemade irish soda bread and green beans) for dinner tonight. I'm adding a little ground beef and another can of tomato sauce to try to stretch it a little more (he said it was too dry first time around).

Tuesday: Tuna Helper, Cheesy Pasta

Only I put in chicken rather than tuna. There is a reaason I don't use chicken helper, but I can't remember it at the moment.

Wednesday: Monthiversary!!
Mr. Right and I met on October 13th, so the 13th of every month we celebrate! This always includes him taking care of dinner for the evening.

Thursday: Chili

Mr. Right's favorite dish

Friday: Brocoli Pasta Toss

Our meatless effort for the week, as well as my attempt to make us eat veggies.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like good food to me! Nothing too challenging, I like that :)


what up yo?