March 10, 2009

You can tell we're still Newlyweds...

This weekend my niece (who'll be 5 in May) spent the night with Mr. Right and me. We kicked him to the guest bedroom, and she and I slept in the master.

Around 3:30 in the morning, Mr. Right went into the kitchen and accidentally woke me. I had a difficult time going back to sleep, so I tiptoed out of the room and crawled in bed with him for a few minutes. Apparently he had woken up and missed me.

We both had a hard time going back to sleep without the other one there to snuggle with, but I was afraid to leave the Princess alone. I knew if she woke up in a strange house alone she'd get scared.

It took me till about 5:45 to go back to sleep (and my alarm was set for 7). Thankfully Sunday night (I spent away from him at my sister's house) went a little better, but I still missed him like crazy!


  1. You know what's really sad? Superman is going on a work trip tomorrow (last one, yippee!!!), and he woke up early this morning and went up front. And I sprawled all over the bed, and was like, "WOW, this is soooo nice," and then I felt so sad because I remembered that he is leaving tomorrow, and I would be so sad having the bed to myself. Insane, I know, lol!!

  2. Just wait till you do have kids, they will be in the bed with both of you!

  3. It doesn't end when you're newlyweds. After 15 years, I still like to know G is right next to me even though he hates my ice cube toes.

  4. Awe, that's too cute! I am not in my bed as much as I should be because I am in with the little guy. I know, tsk tsk. But I am afraid we are getting used to it. I better snap us out of that!

  5. Hope this feeling never goes away for you!

  6. cute blog, thanks for entering my giveaway. I LOVE LOST TOO. I follow hugo's blog and sussing out lost... look them up, fun to follow.

  7. The best is yet to come! Enjoy being new. It's a different kind of love.

  8. i love this...and i feel the same way....i have only had to spend 2 night away from "t" since we have been married, I swear I didn't get one minute of sleep each of those nights....:)


  9. That is SO sweet! Hope you catch up on your sleep with Mr. Right!

  10. Aww so cute! I just stumbled across your long have you been married?

  11. The strange thing for us is that Don used to sleep better when I was gone visiting family. Now, 10 years later, he can't sleep when I'm not there. That makes 2 of us! I need him to sleep too!


what up yo?