October 06, 2008

Secret No More

I found it!!! :) I pulled my suitcase out to pack up some clothes in my dresser and found the Victoria's Secret purchase! I was looking for it still in its original bag. Instead it was wadded...erm...folded and placed in the front compartment of the bag!

I have to pick up a few gifts that were special ordered at the store today, so I went through my gifts to see what needed taking back (I have gotten some duplicates). I picked up the walnut clock/picture frame and looked it over to see what store it had been purchased at (it wasn't on my registry, but I did receive a similar clock/frame that I had registered for). That's when I found the "father's day" bar code. Then I noticed on the front the tag that they had attempted to remove said "free gift".

That's right, I caught my first regifter. Since I can't take it back, I'm not sure what to do with it. I'll probably either put it in my yard sale, or see if anyone helping with the wedding likes it and they can keep it.

33 days till the wedding and I haven't felt that super stress yet. I mean I've freaked about individual things (like the lost wedding night apparel), but not over the wedding in general.

I went for my 2nd fitting this weekend and fell in love with my dress all over again! :) The veil I bought at Hobby Lobby is perfect in color, and my seamstress is just going to take out a layer for simplicity sake. From the waist up I look so skinny!! :) The dress flairs out at the waist so that's no big deal. And my target jewelery looks perfect with the dress!

My sister told me I look like a Primpress (apparently she's been around my niece just a little too long). Translation Primpress = Princess.

My friends shower was this weekend and we had a great time. One of the games was Mr. Right being interviewed by my friend and after the question was asked, she would pause the tape and I would have to answer. I had to lol (well as best I could with 4 pieces of gum in my mouth because of the 4 questions I answered incorrectly) at the specific questions about things my friend knows I hate about Mr. Right (his massive t-shirt collection, his dip spit cup collection.


  1. Glad you found your outfit!

    I can't BELIEVE about the re-gifter. That's pretty bad!

    And I would hate the dip spit cups, too! :)


what up yo?